Columbus, North Carolina

From Suburbia to the Village.
Discerning the Move
Many families often have an "agrian moment" with nostalgic visions of a simpler life and one tied closer to nature. We walk through various scenarios on how to turn these ideas into reality give people's unique situations and limitations with a goal to send everyone home with an attainable and measurable plan.
Animal Husbandry
This will be a series of talks, walking tours and live demos of managing, grazing, slaughtering and butchering various animals like hogs, rabbits and fowl often found on a small homestead. The attendees will also get put their newly acquired butchering skill to work for Saturday Night's dinner.
Practicalities of Rural Life
Where to move? What should a family expect from a move to the country in their parish, community and ability to make a living? We look at the most critical aspects to consider for a Catholic Family and what things may ultimately be sacrficed when pursuing the homesteading way of life.
Restoring a Home Economy
For attendees interested in learning on how to save money and turn raw products into finished goods, we will offer several "value adding" demos for people to learn basic skills on restoring a productive home both inside the home and out. Demos included: butter making, candle making, food preservation, heating with wood and more!